Up an atom!

Here's a quick gallery of a few images from the Atom shoot, just messing around with different processing and seeing what fits... 

Not all bad...

There is one thing to be said about being a photographer, the work can be pretty varied and a lot of the time it can involve a lot of travelling. Sometimes, however, you just get lucky and get to see some beautiful English countryside... 

Capturing the Atom

I'm just about to sit down and start editing the weekends shots of the Arial Atom. Being a car enthusiast, I was well aware of what the Atom was capable of, but nothing can quite prepare you for the aggressive way it accelerates!  I've been in fast cars and on fast bikes before but the little Atom is so impressive with the way it delivers it's power

Capturing the Atom, as I'm sure many scientist will agree, proved to be quite a challenge. The 'minimal' nature of the car provides a lot of interesting angles and little details. There is no doubt that it is stunning to look at, but it goes without saying that it wasn't without it's own challenges.  

I was also amazed at just how much attention the car got whilst out on the street, in fairness, the exhaust isn't exactly discreet and the bright orange bodywork does tend to catch the eye, but people looked genuinely amazed as it passed by. All in all, it is a stunning little car. 

Facebook pages now live...

Well, you may have come to this site via my Facebook page but if not, it is now live! and I would really like it if you could stop by, have a look through and click the 'Like' button. It is probably the most direct way to get up-to-date info and special behind-the-scenes posts.... 

Check it out at:  

or click the 'F' icon below

Welcome to my site

Thank you for taking the tome to view my site. In the blog section I will regularly be posting about my adventures, projects that I am working on, a few 'Behind the scenes' articles and of course, random shots of whatever I come across.  

Add me on Instagram - @rossjukes

Add me on Instagram - @rossjukes

I will also be talking about any 'hot topics' (without sounding too much like Alan Partridge) in the photography world and maybe even showcasing some of the work of other photographers that I admire, though that is like 'Dr Pepper' saying 'Drink Coca-cola' I am a passionate about photography and therefore want to talk about, even if it's about (ahem) better photographers.... They're not, use me!!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, queries, ideas for photo projects and obviously if you have any photographic needs, I would be happy to help.  If you could also 'like' the Facebook page, I will also be posting my adventures there too and hoping to build a bit of a community. Oh, and add me on Instagram - @rossjukes